Best way to get Lower Abs!!

Workout Structure

  1. Do the exercises in the order that I show in this video
  2. You will do 4 exercises
  3. Do each Exercise to failure
  4. Move straight on to next exercise without rest
  5. Complete all 4 exercises
  6. Rest 1minute and repeat 3 times


Straight Leg Raises
The first exercise is straight leg raises. Start with your feet hanging down. Now bring your leg up, keeping it straight, all the way to your chest. Lower your legs and then repeat. Make sure you don’t swing and have control at all time.
Hanging Leg Raises
You starting position is the same as with the straight leg raises but this time round when you bring your legs up you bend your knees. Bring it all the way up to your chest and then lower your legs. Repeat
Running Leg Raises
Start with both legs hanging down. Now bring one up as high as you can and then move it forward as if you are running in the air. Follow with the other leg and then continue with a running motion until failure.
Single Leg Raises
Start with both feet hanging down. Now bring up one leg all the way to your chest. Lower it down and repeat with the other leg. Continue until failure.


Written by Admin

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